Mind Heals is a social service-oriented organization incorporated under the laws of Sri Lanka with the primary objective of supporting individuals to relieve from adverse emotional/ psychological/ mental health conditions. We introduce a ‘Digital Health Service platform’ which specifically focuses on mental health care and psychotherapy services. Our platform brings together licensed professionals serving diversified areas of psychology and mental health, to provide accessible mental health care. All services provided by our professionals are guided by ethics, codes, guidelines, terms and conditions in the Guide to Mental Health Counselling Services and related communications from National Council of Mental Health, Sri Lanka Psychological Association (SLPA), and Sri Lanka National Association of Counsellors [SRILNAC] or/and any other related regulators and body corporates in Sri Lanka.


MIND HEALS recognizes that confidentiality is essential to effective counseling/therapy. We believe that for counseling/therapy to work best, you must feel safe about sharing personal information about yourself with your counselor/therapist. When you share information about yourself with your counselor/therapist, he or she will respect the importance of that information. All information disclosed within the session, is confidential and will not be revealed to anyone outside of counselor/therapist except under the following conditions:

  1. When communication of your diagnosis and other information to your insurance company is necessary for payment.
  2. When you have given permission for information to be shared with another person.
  3. When disclosure is required by the operation of law, Court Order or Regulatory Authority.
  4. Where statutory law makes disclosure mandatory and requires the relevant authorities to be informed (such as terrorist activities, drug trafficking or abuse of a child or vulnerable adult).
  5. When you present an immediate risk of causing serious harm to another person; or
  6. Where it is believed that you will harm yourself unless protective measures are taken. When there seems to be a significant risk of you causing serious harm to yourself or another, the counselor/therapist may be obligated to seek hospitalization for you, and/or inform appropriate individuals who may be able to help intervene and protect (including your parents-if a minor). In addition, if you are under 18 years of age or care of another, the counselor/therapist reserves the right to advise your parent(s), legal guardian or care provider about developments that could significantly affect your health or well-being. In such situations, the contents of specific meetings between you and your counselor/therapist will not be discussed, but your overall progress may be discussed in general terms.


You will be able to log into your personal portal through the link www.mindheals.org and view the complete profiles of the educational and professional/medical work experience of the counselors/therapists, prior to selecting a counselor/therapist and confirming the appointment. You will also have the choice of deciding the mode of conduct out of the options given, which will be text messaging, voice call or video call. The MIND HEALS system is designed in such a manner to avoid conflicts of time, thus allowing the counselor/therapist to update his/her availability in the calendar of his/ her profile in order to help you select an appropriate time for the appointment; in this way you can be guaranteed a session once you have made your selection. However, MIND HEALS reserves the right to manage the hours of sessions, as to when counselors/therapists are made available online through www.mindheals.org

  • How counseling/therapy works.
  • Counseling/therapy is a mutual, collaborative process. You and your counselor/therapist will work together to develop goals on which you want to work. You are responsible for making the effort to work on the problems or issues that concern you. Your counselor/therapist is committed to help you in this process. When you are working with a counselor/therapist, it is important to honor the commitment you have made to connect with your counselor/therapist, and to take an active role. For example, it is helpful if you:
    1. Spend time between scheduled sessions thinking about what you and your counselor/therapist have been discussing.
    2. Follow through on any actions you agreed to take.
    3. Take the initiative to bring up issues or topics to talk about with your counselor/therapist.
    Counseling/therapy works best when you and your counselor/therapist develop a good working relationship, based on mutual trust, honesty, and respect.

  • Outcomes
  • No one can guarantee that counseling/therapy will produce certain results. However, your counselor/therapist will make every endeavor to assist you in achieving best results through counselling/therapy sessions and the treatment plan agreed upon. Your counselor/therapist will not be held responsible for decisions made or actions taken outside of the counseling/therapy sessions.

  • Risks
  • There are some risks associated with counseling. For example, you may learn things about yourself that you don’t like. Often growth cannot occur until past issues are experienced and confronted, causing distressing feelings such as sadness and anxiety. The success of counseling/therapy depends upon the quality of the efforts of both the counselor/therapist and you, along with the reality that you are responsible for the lifestyle choices/changes that may result from counseling/therapy. We can assure you that your counselor/therapist will use his or her professional skills to the best of his or her ability to address your concerns and help manage possible risks.


Please be aware of the following conditions with regard to discontinuing counseling/therapy:
1. After the initial introduction to your counselor/therapist and upon carrying out the preliminary assessment, if the counselor/therapist believes that he or she is unable to help you, because of the kind of problem you have or because his or her training and skills are not appropriate, he/she will inform you of this fact and refer you to another counselor/therapist available via MIND HEALS platform or a professional outside the MINDHEALS Platform who may meet your needs. The referring counselor/therapist will not be responsible for your treatment plan thereafter.
2. If your counselor/therapist finds out a new presenting problem mid-way of the initial treatment plan and believes that he or she is unable to help you, because of the kind of problem you have, because he/she believes you need a physical consultation, or because his or her training and skills are not appropriate, he/she will inform you of this fact and refer you to another counselor/therapist available via MIND HEALS platform or a professional outside the MINDHEALS platform who may meet your needs. The referring counselor/therapist will not be responsible for your treatment plan thereafter.
3. If you have three consecutive “no-shows” or repeated same-day cancellations for appointments, this will result in an automatic discontinuance of counseling/therapy.
4. If you have not had and kept an appointment with the counselor/therapist in 2 consecutive months and if it is no longer part of your treatment plan, it will result in an automatic discontinuance of counseling/therapy.
5. If you commit and act of violence, threaten, or harass the counselor/therapist, you will be immediately terminated from treatment.
6. Upon completion of your treatment plan, there will be an automatic discontinuance of the services of MIND HEALS.
7. In an instance where your treatment plan is terminated, you may revisit the MINDHEALS platform and restart therapy with a new treatment plan. However, MIND HEALS cannot guarantee your re-acceptance for counseling/therapy. Re-acceptance may be considered after reviewing the previous termination of the treatment plan.


All fees should be paid upfront, and proof of payment should be produced before commencement of the session. You may make the payment via one of the following routes.
1) Online Bank A/c transfers: You may make an online transfer to the following account and send the endorsement receipt via email to [email protected] , The appointment will be confirmed upon receiving of the online bank transfer confirmation receipt.
Account Number: 1067 1401 8409
Account Name: Mind Heals
Bank: Sampath Bank
Branch: Athurugiriya, Sri Lanka
Currency: LKR
2) Online Card Payments: You may click on the "online payment" button in the payments screen of the website (subsequent to filling the appointment request form) and proceed with the card payment through our web portal www.mindheals.org. The appointment will be confirmed upon receiving of the online card payment confirmation. Any applicable taxes are NOT included in our Fees and is your responsibility. As such these taxes will be ADDED to your bill at the time of Payment.


Cancellations can be made any time before the commencement of the counseling/therapy subject to a cancellation fee. Missed appointments will be charged the regular fee. If cancellations are made 24 hours in advance, the MIND HEALS team may assist you in arranging a substitute session. The MIND HEALS team will give you the option of either arranging the substitute session on the same day or, on a future convenient date and time based on availability of the counselor/therpaist.


All refunds are discretionary as determined by MINDHEALS, for payments made for consultations on a Pay Per Use basis in the following instances.
1. Upon carrying out the preliminary assessment, if the counselor/therapist believes that he or she is not able to help you, because of the kind of problem you have or because his or her training and skills are not appropriate to treat you.
2. At the end of the session the counselor/therapist decides not to charge you for the counseling session.
3. Due to a technical error in relation to the MINDHEALS platform the counselor/therapist is unable to continue or complete the session.
4. If a confirmed session has been cancelled by the counselor/therapist and you do not wish to proceed with another available counselor/therapist.
All refund requests must be made to [email protected], quoting your reference number and the reason for refund within 24 hours before the scheduled session commencement time.


While your counselor/therapist, will always try to return your call or reach out to you by the next business day, MIND HEALS is not an emergency mental health or serious medical treatment service. If you experience an emergency or believe that your condition requires physical examination, you should reach out to your immediate family member, legal guardian, care provider, call 119 or go directly to your nearest emergency room.


Counseling/Therapy records are stored and is only accessible by your counselor/therapist.
Upon request, you may review your counseling records. You should also understand that psychotherapy notes may not be part of your mental health record. There are certain, limited, and rare situations wherein your counselor/therapist may deny you access to psychotherapy notes to reduce the risk of harm to you or someone else.


1. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, and you will be responsible for all usage of your user account and/or username, whether authorized or not authorized by you. You agree to immediately notify MIND HEALS of any unauthorized use of your user account, username, or password. MIND HEALS will not take responsibility for any events arising out of such unauthorized access to your User Account, including but not limited to hacking and security breaches. If you allow a THIRD PARTY to access the MINDHEALS platform via your user account, MINDHEALS will not take liability for any acts or omissions of such THIRD PARTY.
2. in the event you breach any responsibilities or obligations stipulated herein, MINDHEALS reserves the right to suspend, cancel and/or terminate your access to www.mindheals.org with or without your notice. Upon suspension, cancellation, or termination of your access, your right to procure the services on www.mindheals.org shall immediately cease. MINDHEALS further reserves the right to remove or delete your information that is available with the platform, including but not limited to login and account information.
3. You agree that you will not use the MIND HEALS platform in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the site or interfere with any other party's use of the platform; use any robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means to access the platform for any purpose; use any manual process to monitor or copy any of the material/archives on the platform or for any other unauthorized purpose without prior written consent; use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the platform; Introduce any viruses, trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful; attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage or disrupt any parts of the platform, the server on which www.mindheals.org is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to www.mindheals.org ; and otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of www.mindheals.org.
4. Unless you specifically consent to share information, medical or otherwise, MINDHEALS will not access or share such information that you upload on www.mindheals.org. While MINDHEALS takes utmost care with respect to the security of the information you decide to share, you understand that any information that you disclose on www.mindheals.org is at your own risk. While MINDHEALS endeavors to protect any information uploaded or shared by you on www.mindheals.org, you understand that MINDHEALS shall not be held liable or responsible for the loss or damage to such information on www.mindheals.org. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have all your information, medical or otherwise, stored on your hard drive. You hereby agree not to use www.mindheals.org as a “data room” to store your medical / mental health records.
5. You agree that you will not post, upload, or distribute any User Content or other content that is unlawful, defamatory, libelous, inaccurate, or that a reasonable person could deem to be objectionable, profane, indecent, pornographic, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate.
6. You agree that you will not act in any manner which is abusive or threatening or use abusive or threatening language on or through the MIND HEALS platform to any of its counselors/therapists or other parties; act in any manner unlawful in violation of applicable laws, fraudulent or malicious and/or in any manner inconsistent with that what is set forth in this Informed Consent Form.
7. You understand and agree that any interactions and associated issues with counselors/therapists on www.mindheals.org including but not limited to the outcomes and service issues, is strictly between you and the counselor/therapist. You shall not hold MINDHEALS responsible for any such interactions and associated issues. MINDHEALS is not involved in providing any mental health advice or diagnosis and hence is not responsible for any outcome between you and the counselor/therapist you interact with. If you decide to engage with a counselor/therapist to provide services to you, you do so at your own risk. MINDHEALS shall not be liable for any acts, omissions, or any form of advice provided by any counselor/therapist through or on www.mindheals.org, and shall not be responsible for any breach of service or service deficiency by any counselor/therapist. MINDHEALS cannot assure that all transactions will be completed nor guarantees the ability or intent of counselors/therapists to fulfil their obligations in any transaction. MINDHEALS advise you to perform your own investigation prior to selecting a counselor/therapist through www.mindheals.org. The professional service providers available on www.mindheals.org are independent contractors that provide services independently of the MINDHEALS Platform. Your use of the services offered by counselors/therapists through www.mindheals.org does not constitute a counselor-client relationship between MINDHEALS and you.
8. You understand that MINDHEALS does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the quality, reliability, accuracy, authenticity, or appropriateness of the services provided by counselors/therapists via www.mindheals.org. MINDHEALS shall not be liable for any reason whatsoever for the services provided by the counselors/therapists, and bears no liability for the consequences to you, of your use of the services offered via www.mindheals.org.
9. Other than the guidance and advice you receive directly by the counselor/therapist, the other incidental information and the content on www.mindheals.org, should not be considered as professional advice. You should always talk to your counselor/therapist for diagnosis and treatment. None of the content on www.mindheals.org represents or warrants that any treatment is safe, appropriate, or effective for you.
10. To the extent permitted by law, MINDHEALS hereby excludes all liability for any loss or damage (including but not limited to direct or indirect, special or consequential) caused to you as a result of the use of services offered by www.mindheals.org, whether or not caused by any negligent act and/or omission by counselors/therapists including but not limited to the breach of standards of care and the duty of care, breach of applicable ethics and laws, the provision of false or negligent advice or information, breach of third party rights, or any abuse, threats, or offensive conduct.
11. You irrevocably and unconditionally agree that MINDHEALS does not accept responsibility or liability for any actual, incidental or consequential damage that may cause from the use of the MINDHEALS platform including but not limited to any damages arising out of scheduled maintenance or upgrades, emergency repairs, failure of telecommunications links and/or equipment, theft, destruction, unauthorized access, delays or other incidental defects including telecommunication errors arising out of Internet access service providers, mobile network service providers, browsers, and /or software. MINDHEALS does not guarantee that www.mindheals.org will be available at any particular time or location, uninterrupted or secure; that any defects or errors will be corrected; that www.mindheals.org is free of any malicious codes, viruses or other harmful components. Any content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of www.mindheals.org is downloaded at your own risk and you will be solely responsible for any damages to your computer system or mobile device or loss of data that results from such downloads or the use of the MINDHEALS platform.
12. You understand that once you register as a MINDHEALS User on www.mindheals.org, you will receive SMS messages, E-mails and/or push notifications from MINDHEALS on your registered mobile number and/or E-mail from counselors/therapists, third parties in relation to the platform and other third-party service providers. These messages or notifications could relate to your registration, transactions that you carry out through www.mindheals.org and promotions that are undertaken by MINDHEALS. Please note that MINDHEALS will send these SMS messages, E-mails, or Notifications only to the registered mobile number or/and Email or such other number / E-mail that you may designate for any particular transaction. It is your responsibility to ensure that you provide the correct number and /or E-mail for the transaction you wish to enter. Further, MINDHEALS may send notifications and reminders to you with respect to appointments scheduled by you for the services that you have subscribed to on www.mindheals.org. Please note that while MINDHEALS endeavors to provide these notifications and reminders to you promptly, MINDHEALS does not provide any guarantee and shall not be held liable or responsible for the failure to send such notifications or reminders to you. It is your responsibility to ensure that you attend any sessions that you may schedule with a counselor/therapist through the platform.
13. If you are unable to complete a session with a counselor/therapist due to a technical failure at your end, and if you are unable to re-connect within two minutes from the time the connection was lost, MIND HEALS will not guarantee the continuation of the particular session. In such event, you will not be entitled to a refund.
14. The MINDHEALS Platform, Website and Applications, including all Content contained or displayed on www.mindheals.org (excluding User Submissions), Applications or Platform, are owned by MINDHEALS, its affiliates or licensor to MINDHEALS, and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties.
15. It is anticipated that you, as an Authorized User of the MINDHEALS platform, may provide suggestions, comments or other feedback relating to the Platform from time to time (“Feedback”). Feedback shall be deemed the sole property of MINDHEALS. Without derogating from the above, MINDHEALS will be free to adopt such Feedback for any of its products or Platforms, use it in any other manner, disclose, reproduce, license or otherwise distribute and exploit the Feedback provided to it as it sees fit, entirely without obligation or restriction of any kind on account of intellectual property rights or otherwise. You hereby waive any right to the Feedback, including but not limited to, moral rights and any right for royalties or other consideration.
16. MINDHEALS may change the fees for the services offered through www.mindheals.org at any time or impose additional fees or charges. Such changes will be effective upon reasonable advance notice to you. If you do not agree to such changes, you have the right to terminate your User Account, provided that all dues are settled at the time of termination.
17. If you are an international user accessing the MINDHEALS platform, you agree to take full responsibility to ensure that it is lawful in your territory to access services offered via www.mindheals.org. All services offered through the MINDHEALS platform is in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations applicable in Sri Lanka. MINDHEALS or its counselors/therapists will not be liable for any laws, rules, and regulations applicable outside the territory of Sri Lanka.
18. MIND HEALS hereby reserves the right to bring forward, amend or modify any terms, conditions, disclaimers, and other clauses in this Informed Consent Form as maybe necessary and required from time to time. In this case, MIND HEALS will notify you of these changes. The changes shall be deemed to be accepted if you do not object within three weeks after receipt of the amendment, addition, or modification notification. If you reject the changes, MIND HEALS has the right to terminate the ongoing treatment plan.
19. The interpretation of this Informed Consent Form and the resolution of any disputes arising under the Terms of Use stipulated herein shall be governed by the laws of Sri Lanka. If any action or other proceeding is brought on or in connection with this Informed Consent Form, the venue of such action shall be exclusively in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
20. Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this Informed Consent Form or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity thereof, including the determination of the scope or applicability of these Terms of Use to arbitrate, or to your use of www.mindheals.org or the Services or information to which it gives access, shall be determined by arbitration in Sri Lanka, before a single arbitrator. The venue of such arbitration shall be Colombo, Sri Lanka. All proceedings of such arbitration, including, without limitation, any awards, shall be in the English language. The award shall be final and binding on the Parties.
21. If you have issues or are dissatisfied with our services, you may reach out to us at [email protected] or by calling the MINDHEALS Hotline on 0713120740.